I’ve decided in this weeks blog to discuss a non for profit organization in Perth, that is close to my heart, this is a personal share for me – but I think it’s important for pregnant girls in need of help know resources available in Perth.
When I was 16 years old, I fell pregnant with my boyfriend. I was extremely nervous about my future ahead and about him also, he didn’t have a job and was older then me but pretty immature.
I had left school and was completing a traineeship for a phone company in Balcatta. I’d catch a bus, a train and then another bus to my work and on the way I’d stare out the window and had noticed a place called the “pregnancy problem house” before I fell pregnant I used to see it on my way to work and on my way home, so it was pretty etched into my head.
I wasn’t sure if I was ready for a baby, I was so young and I had so much I wanted to achieve in my life and did feel like a baby would hold me back from achieving those dreams.
I went to the doctors and got a referral for a termination, my mind was set but for some reason, the memory of the pregnancy problem house kept entering my mind. So I decided to make an appointment.
My appointment date came and I went in and spoke to a pregnancy problem house councilor, there was no judgement from her end, but she showed me photos and stories of other girls who were my age and kept their pregnancies and were now thirty years old with great careers, and married with other children. These stories inspired me and gave me the strength to realize that it could be done, and everything would work out just fine.
That was thirteen years ago, I now have a beautiful thirteen year old girl and have recently had another beautiful little baby girl!
I’ve worked myself up the corporate ladder, and at one point in my career became a National Operations Manager for an Australian wide facility management company, leading a team of almost fifty staff and various contractors around Australia.
I’ve done a lot in the last thirteen years with my life, but I have to say my biggest achievement was becoming and conquering parenthood in my teenage years and raising a beautiful, sassy, confident baby girl who is now a teen herself. Sure, some times were harder than others but I wouldn’t ever change it for the world!!!
In my last pregnancy I was able to see my baby in 3D which helped me to bond with her and see her face before birth something that wasn’t available to me 13 years go, with not a lot of 3D ultrasound places in Perth available, it was a clear decision for me to gather the training I needed and enter as a business. It has been a passion for me, and I absolutely love showing couples their baby. Every 3D Ultrasound has been so rewarding for me. So… if you are wanting a 3D ultrasound in Perth, you have certainly come through to the right place!
I am now working as a service provider for the pregnancy problem house in Perth, something which I am extremely proud of and want to help every single one of you struggling out there!
If you are ever are in need of some assurance or non-judgmental help with your pregnancy, I urge you to make an appointment with the pregnancy problem house for a chat, who have two locations now in Perth -it could change the path you take or maybe it was always your path…!
With love,
Oh Hey Baby!